Sunday, December 31, 2006

Apple in deeper trouble

Even though the worst of Apple's stock option scandal is over, as it seems that they won't get any break soon. In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing on Friday,it was revealed that the company is facing several previously unnoticed lawsuits, except now that is. The first case concerns unspecified damages to Apple's DRM system. Another case being a customer thriving to receive damage costs in response to a high rate of logic board failures in Apple's iBook G4 series. Lastly, the company PhatRat Technology has filed a claim against Apple claiming that Apple's Nike-Ipod product infringes their copyright. It seems that Apple will be in some deep trouble if any other law suits are to be filed against them.[Yahoo News]

Friday, December 22, 2006

Xbox 360 Warranty Extended to One Year

Xbox 360 users you are in luck, Microsoft has announced that they are extending the warranty to one year on the 360 console. This is effective as of today December 22, so if you've bricked your console don't worry you can relax now.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wii Safety

Alright if you still aren't sure how to keep safe while playing your Wii this video should clear it up. If you still don't understand how to play with your Wii safely after watching this video, well maybe you shouldn't own the Wii so enjoy this in depth Wii safety video.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Palm's Windows Mobile powered Treo 750 Comming Soon?

It has been reported that the demo unit you see here has hit "various Cingular Stores" across the nation this weekend. Looks like Engadget was right on calling the release of this one. Engadget Article

ASIMO the robot....its alive

Here's a video of Honda's ASIMO the robot actually not making faceplants. This is a great advancement in robotics. Just maybe we will live in the world with robots as in the movie "I-Robot", lets just hope the rules aren't broken.

Monday, December 11, 2006

12-11-06 Episode 1

This is our fist podcast so we hope that you will enjoy. Please excuse the choppiness of the audio which happens at times because we had a skype connection problem.

large wmv download
small wmv download

Sony Better Hurry It Up

Nintendo has already sold 476,000 units of the is new Wii gaming console in the United States, greater than double the amount of sales of Sony's PS3. Link to C|NET article Nintendo Wii outsells Sony's PS3 in U.S.
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Vista's Activation Gets Cracked

Even though Microsoft has tried so hard to stop the piracy of their OS with their new Volume Activation 2.0, it has been cracked. Took very little time for the pirates to attack this one. Here is the detailed article Pirates Activate Copies of Vista Over Spoofed Server

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Tribute To James Kim

As we all have heard James Kim, C|NET editor and family man, died trying to save his family. Even though he himself wasn't rescued his efforts in helping his family were successful. As it was a ping from James's cellphone that helped located his family. We are all hit pretty hard by this news. This is a tribute video that James's coworkers at C|NET put together. Here is a link to an article with more detailed information Link to C|NET article