Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Windows Vista is Here!!!

Yes, it's true Microsoft's Windows Vista has been released as of yesterday. Many people have covered the event but i have really enjoyed Engadget's live coverage of the event. If you've missed the event that's the best coverage that i've found. Also you can catch the video of the launch event on Microsfts site. I can't believe it's here...its really here!!
Engadget Live Coverage of Vista Launch
Video of the event from Microsoft

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Interview with BackupHDDVD creator

Everyone and their mom has heard about the breaking of the HDDVD encryption allwoing users to bypass AACS. The creator of the software allowing users to "backup" your HDDVDs has decided to speak out. In an interview with the people at Slyck he explains that he created the software because he was an "upset customer" wanting to "enforce fair use." He also explains the impact that his software has made in making progress in breaking the BlueRay encryption as well. He insists that in doing this it is not piracy it is just enforcing his fair use rights. Make sure to read the whole article it is very intriguing.[Slyck News]

Sony ups the price of the ps3 in Canada

Canadians who have had the luxury of buying the ps3 at a whole fifty bucks cheaper at $649.99 Canadian will have that luxury no more. Sony has upped the price of the ps3 in Canada to $699.99 Canadian ($593US). Those Canadian gamers who were waiting for a price cut will regret having waited to buy their ps3. What remains to be asked is will those Canadian gamers still buy their ps3's they've been longing to buy.[Engadget]

Friday, January 26, 2007

01-25-07 Episode 06

On todays podcast we let you know what the latest in tech news and show you how to create lightning in Photoshop.

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Show Notes:

Todays tech stories:
'Storm Worm' Trojan horse surges on
Microsoft sales unharmed by Vista delays
Asus intros SideShow-ready motherboards
Bill Gates to Autograph Limited Edition of Windows Vista
Runometer maps your Nike+iPod data to running routes
First Review: LG BH100 Hybrid Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Player
It's official--Wii use can cause weight loss
Another Melted G4 Mac Laptop
Mad TV: Steve Jobs Introduces iPhone

Todays Photoshop Tip: Creating Lightning
PixelPerfect with Bert Monroy

Add additional storage to your 360 with Western Digital HDD's

As of now it is possible to install 3rd party hard drives to your 360, although there are some quirks. A hacker created a DOS-based program that allows the use of 3rd party drives, but only Western Digital BEVS hard drives thus far. There is also still the 20GB storage limit which has not been bypassed yet. But that issue should resolved when Microsoft releases their higher-capacity drives later this year.[Gizmodo]

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

'Storm Worm' Trojan is out and roaming

During this last weekend many PC users have become infected with a wide spread Trojan attack. The Trojan being called "Storm Worm" was spread through the means of email. The email in which it was attached claimed to be breaking news about the weather, hoping to get users to download the executable file. The emails containing this Trojan seem to have the trend of being so called "breaking news stories". I am advising you too keep a look out for this Trojan Virus because it has been know to infect you computer with rootkits and other malware. [C|net News.com]

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

ASIMO You Did It

At CES 2007 Honda had yet another demo of ASIMO but different in this demo ASIMO stays on his feet. ASIMO shows us some cool new dance moves and that he can walk up the stair without tumbling down like Humpty Dumpty.[Gizmodo]