Yes, as many may have already heard Kevin Rose, founder of, stated:
"You’d rather see Digg go down fighting than bow down to a bigger company. We hear you, and effective immediately we won’t delete stories or comments containing the code and will deal with whatever the consequences might be...If we lose, then what the hell, at least we died trying."allowing the posting of this hexadecimal HD-DVD string: 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0 on the community-based This string has the ability to unlock the encryption on many HD-DVD's out on the market. I ask all of you loyal readers to spread this key around, for the sake of hackers everywhere!!...and of course enjoy this clever video put together by Cali Lewis, host of GeekBrief.TV.
[Kevin Rose's Post]